One of the benefits of living in Asia is our proximity to locations previously only accessible to us by day-long flights and more money than we had. A short mid-summer break from work (and Adam's 30th birthday) provided an opportunity to jet to one of these places, and so we found ourselves in Malaysia. We first landed in the capital, Kuala Lumpur, and adventured around a bit (this series of posts will be photo-heavy and caption-light).
The rooftop pool view of the Petronus Towers. Not a bad start.
Starbucks, of course, provided ample WiFi for important things like Instagram access.
The Petronas Towers are staggeringly tall - the tallest twin towers in the world, in fact. You'll get a better idea from the top.
See? This isn't even the top yet.
Here's the top. Whoa.
The National Mosque was humbling both in its beauty and its welcoming. Docents graciously provided robes for us to enter respectfully, although Adam could have used a few more inches on his.
Wandering through markets led us to one of my more ridiculous experiences involving doctor fish.
With thoroughly pecked-over feet, we continued to explore, sweat-drenched but happy. The rest are just bits and pieces throughout the city.
Plumeria, for dad.

Next up, Malaysia, Part Two: Batu Caves. Here's a cheeky peek of what's in store (hint: monkeys. All the monkeys).
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